sábado, 1 de junio de 2019

I enjoy greet

(Week 10)

When I was 16 years old, I went a meeting about "Life Project". I remember in that meeting only went three persons different than me, in important clarify in that time I was religious and the meeting was in the church and the host were a nuns, despite the focus was to the religion other parts was general.

In the general parts I love is, how I can help the world? or the people?. I thought I really like smile if I can at least gladden the day. Since this meeting and the reflexion I try to greet and smile all the people that I meet.

Also whe I don't know the person but if I can greet and smile him I do it! and become him in my "amiguito".

My friends loves that part of my but sometimes they hate it because I usually don't be shy to start a conversation with somebdy (if want check it ask to Jesus).

PD: "Amiguito" I usually use to call people the meet reciently and I don't have truts whit her.

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