sábado, 13 de abril de 2019


(week 3)

Voice Of America

La Voz de América is the international radio and television service of the government of the United States. It is administered by the IBB. The VOA is headquartered on Avenida Independencia Suroeste 330 of the country's capital, Washington D. Futhermore it serves to learn english if you do't like the traditional form, this page helps the reading and listening skill.

This website has different sections to inform us and also learn new things, also has a especilly space to learn english, in this kind of VOA you can find lessons where each lesson is a topic.

 1. The video where the skill of speaking is worked.                      
 2. The conversation and the reading the skills are strengthened like listening and reading
 3. Finally the writing skills develop in two way the write and the final activity.

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